Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Naming Names

I grew up thinking my name was French. I mean, I knew I was named after a woman my parents knew in Barbados, but the spelling and history of my name was supposedly French. It wasn't until I studied abroad in France that I realized that not only had most French people never heard of or met anyone with my name, but they couldn't pronounce it either. The nasal "agne" at the end just doesn't come through in French. So usually it came out as Charmean or Charmaan. Sometimes Charmin, too... and you know how much I loved that nickname growng up...

People here have had the same problem pronouncing my name, so I've starting telling people just to call me Charm because it's easier. Alternatively, I've also been given a Senegalese name, Coumba. Only one person at work really calls me that, but I like it so maybe it'll stick.


At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog Charmagne! I love your stories. I'll be checking in for more later... keep it up!

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Charmagne & Jeremy said...

Some of you have asked me what Coumba means and what the story is behind how I got the name...unfortunately, I have no good response to either question. Coumba is just an old Senegalese name, my coworkers don't know what it means. And they just listed off names and let me pick the one I liked. It wasn't until after I'd picked Coumba that I realized it was also my host mother's name (at that point, I thought her name was something else because I hadn't seen it writtena and I'd only heard it once or twice).

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At 2:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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